Forum Discussion

caraleyla's avatar
9 hours ago

Chopping trees bug?

Hello! In the original Kingdoms game, we had the option to chop trees one swing at a time, we could go slow or fast, and we could take the trees on the brink of being cut down if you knew how many swings you had left. Whenever I go to chop the trees in the switch version, I now press the interact button only once and my character continues to chop until I cancel the animation (and canceling takes a LONG time. I go through an additional 5 or so swings before my character ceases to chop the tree. In some cases this causes me to cut the tree down entirely). 

Is this a bug, or a new feature implemented due to the lack of motion controls? Is there any way to make this interaction a button click for each swing rather than one button click for a multitude of swings? 

  • EA_Cade's avatar
    Icon for Community Manager rankCommunity Manager

    Heya caraleyla 

    This was an intentional change, but there are still signs!

    Look for the "dust" and the tree to change color, that is your sign the tree is about to be fully cut down. When you see this, move away from the tree with the left stick to instantly cancel chopping.