Achievement comeback kid
- 5 years ago
Hey there!
Had the same issue yesterday; completed the race as expected going from last place to first in the last lap but the trophy didn't show up. So, I did this: returned to the garage and came back out to the same race (oval in the circuit), but I made sure to be in last place for all laps and then went to the front in the last one. It was a little tricky, I stayed around 30-40 mts from the 11th place all the time and then I went all in for the last lap and it worked. Just make sure that the one at 1st place during the race doesn't go out of reach (1 mile), he should stay around half mile for you to be able to win in the last lap. As soon as I won the trophy showed up. I don't know if this might work for everyone but it did to me, so I hope it does!. Cheers!