8 years agoMultiplayer Free-Roam
I am posting this as both a request to Ghost Games, and a warning to the potential buyers of NFS Payback. Multiplayer free roam is a core element of what made NFS 2015 fun, and what people enjoyed...
Hi, I'm writing to ask if you could add online free roam to Need For Speed Payback. Online free roam is an essential part of racing games nowadays. I don't know why you wouldn't add it. It seemes as if you are going backwards in time and not forward. I found out about this after Pre-Ordering the game and watching a video that Straight Up Hippo had made on this topic. I think that online freeroam is essential for the game. Please take action on this EA and Ghost Games.
I moved your topic to the correct section.
Ok thank you. I'm new to this.