need for speed most wanted error 5003
- Anonymous11 years ago
Hey dude I found a solution that really worked on my phone.. i wish you havent deleted your game yet! So...
1)Turn OFF your wi-fi and open the game
2) In game it will ask you to connect to wifi or 3g(or someting like that) or cancel it. YOU MUST CONNECT TO WI-FI.
3) When you'll press the wi-fi button it will redirect you to your wi-fi tab in settings.So open your wi-fi and press serveral times BACK until you go back to the game! ( DONT PRESS THE HOME BUTTON!!!!!!)
4)When you'll be back in game it should automaticly pop a window which says if you really want to donwload the game and the space it requires. PRESS DOWNLOAD.
5) Let your game download the data.
I wish this hellped you. It worked for my phone. If it won't work try doing some more times. Wish you all the best.
6)Have fun playing the game.