Forum Discussion
470 Replies
- EA_David12 years ago
Community Admin
Hi all,
Thank you for the feedback on this. I understand how frustrating this must be, and we have sent your sentiment to Ghost on this. However at this time we don't have any updates on this. When we do, we'll be sure to let you all know. - Anonymous12 years ago
I know the game does not officially support driving wheels, we all know that. The question is, will Need for Speed Rivals have official steering wheel support in the future????
Every time a community manager responds to the customers post, you guys respond vaguely in a way that leaves us wondering.
Like instead of saying "Need for Speed Rivals does not support Steering wheels", say "Need for Speed Rivals does not and will not support Steering Wheels in the near future" And give us valid reason why that's so, because I'm not the only one on here that is very disappointed about this. I'm a PS3 owner and I have a Logitech Driving Force GT and every need for speed game I play supports it, and I've played just about every one. There are PC owners on here that are stuck playing with a keyboard!!! A keyboard!!!!, and boy I feel sorry for them.
You need to fix this, EA, Ghost, who every has that responsibility, it needs to be fixed, because I don't see any valid reason to why this game will not officially support steering wheels, unless you give us one.
Again, I didn't pay $60 on a game day one!, to not use my driving force gt. If you guys aren't going to patch it with steering wheel compatibility , then I want a FULL REFUND. Otherwise I will never buy anything from you again EA, ANYTHING!
Appreciate your answering the mail on this. I understand that Ghost are the developers; however the game is marketed under the EA brand. Is EA planning on making steering wheel support a requirement and passing that requirement to Ghost?
- EA_David12 years ago
Community Admin
Ah yes sorry, I didn't mean to distance EA from Ghost, I just meant to make it clear that the studio is getting your feedback.
At this time I am not aware of any plans to introduce official steering wheel support. While this may change, this is what I have right now, and when I have anything more I'll be sure to post it.
- Anonymous12 years ago
😕mileylol:This is insane.
They absolutely told me by chat it was coming days ago. They did not say when.
I would love to have something besides a beta copy. I payed for a complete game.
I also miss the manual shifting, I play shift sometimes just for that but will settle for basic functionality.
Fix this incomplete game please!
I will buy more carefully in the future when it comes to EA.
What a joke. EA needs to do way better than this. After all.....they supposedly have been coming out with these racing games for at least a couple decades now. You would think that when they decide to come out with a new game, they surely would make sure that with all their worldly experience, they would inform the developers that the game that is to be developed would have all the necessary ingredients to keep end users happy.
What the hell went wrong here? Someone isn't doing their job. Is it the director? Is it the developers? Is it the QA team? Since I am an IT person, I can see that it is mostly due to mismanagment of human resources. How many external companies does EA need? It is obvious that the production teams do not communicate across all these companies.
How is it that The Run works fine with wheels on the Frostbite 2 engine???? We are now on Frostbite 3. Doesn't the code port over or what? I'd be a seriously pissed EA executive to learn that someone did not request that Ghost is supplied with G27 wheel setups for programming. WTF. I hate swearing but your company really takes the cake on this.
I can see that BEFORE the next racing game comes out, there will be a lot of backlash because of this inferior product release.
You have seriously frustrated your customers. Don't you read your users blogs? How can you forget a damn steering wheel.
- Anonymous12 years ago
Please add support for wheels... it should not have even hit the market without it.
If they could just do what Criterion did with Hot Pursuit and Most Wanted it would be great. Those games could see any type of controller that was plugged in. It would be even better if there were adjustments for sensitivity and deadzone.
- Anonymous12 years ago
I agree with all the frustration in here. A brand new NFS racing game without WHEEL SUPPORT?
How is this even possible in 2013? I could not believe it when I realized that PC-owners were stuck with playing with the keyboard. A totally inferior way of playing such a game. I'm playing "Hot Pursuit" and "Most Wanted" with full USB Wheel support, and it works perfectly. These are Criterion games, and that company is also associated with "Rivals". How could they allow a new game without such controller support? It's not possible to understand this at all.
A NFS racing game with wheel support is like a swimming game without water!
- Anonymous12 years agoSo I have a Logitech G25 wheel and a carset that I absolutely enjoy with all my playstation racing games, ps3 racing games unfortunately. I was excited about the ps4 release and of course any racing game so I can enjoying being behind the wheel again. NFS, PS4, Logitech, or all the above dropped the ball when it came to the compatibility of Logitech wheel and the ps4. I could only think logically why this is the case. The only thing I could come up with was $$$$.
Greed came in the way where greatness was waiting...Hmmm......WRONG INTENTION and shame on you guys for not cutting a deal.
Now, I'm not going to be nasty and write out of emotion since there is the awareness side of me that is aware there are possible solutions from whoever is responsible for this horrific controller options such as patches, FireWire updates, and or, customer pays again out of pocket for a now download. Who knows.
Can anyone for sure confirm that there WILL be an update or patch for NFS to be compatible with Logitech wheels?
I love NFS but the controls would be so much better if Logitech was an option.
Aris Verrett
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