6 years ago
NFS Heat button layout
Good Afternoon, First of all, good job on NFS Heat! I am really surprised by how good it turned out - no offense - and how close it comes to how I pictured an Underground 3. BUT: Didnt somebody te...
I'm really hoping this is addressed in a future patch. At the moment I've resorted to using the automatic transmission but it's really taking away from the whole experience. Just give us an extra layout option similar to previous games or allow us to map our own buttons. 🤞
Thought about buying the game, since a friend is playing it. Long story short it‘s a bad joke:
I am one of those oldschool guys how accelerate with right stick, turns with left stick and shifts with L2/R2. I am doing this in all racing games since I am playing those. Btw my first racing game was NFS 2...
Every Codemasters game supports even adding multiple controller schemes. That‘s not even what I need. I just want to switch controls and have a look at the deadzones. Steering Linearity which is also a thing in some games I guess isn‘t even important for NFS physics. But as long as I cannot shift manually because of false double configurations and cannot accelerate the oldschool way it‘s really a no go and I bet I am not alone with this statement.
EA / Ghost c‘mon get at least the industry standards right.