6 years ago
NFS Heat button layout
Good Afternoon, First of all, good job on NFS Heat! I am really surprised by how good it turned out - no offense - and how close it comes to how I pictured an Underground 3. BUT: Didnt somebody te...
so you cant change the buttons then? for gamepad?
i would like to see them make a fix for button maping on the xbox controller for pc so you can change the buttons because i have talked with a tech and he said as of right now youcant change the buttons because its anew game but he said he forwared my question to ea and hopefully it will be fixed in a patch because idont like clicking the left thumbstick for horn becuase when i turn the car on a corner it goes off and its annoying it does it everytime and would like to see it fixed. anybody else having this issue im having when driving a car?
At moment there's only one layout with shifting up at R1 and shifting down at L1. For me that doesn't work and so it is the first racing game for ages where I have to drive with automatic gears... that is horrible because I am shifting naturally now and I miss it so much. Also handbrake is at SQUARE and I use to have it at CIRCLE. And the same with me is R3 for the horn... it is too much because my friends aren't used to drive as much as me and in every corner they make big noise - I hope EA will fix that as soon as possible... it is PS4 now and it should be on another level. Controller setting changeable is really standards in these times. Have a nice day and ride on :D
If pressing the gas again to drift is annoying you that much, you can change it in the live tuning settings (I believe its the right D-Pad button - might be the left one, I mix 'em up all the time)
I definitely feel more comfortable braking to enter a drift.
so they let you remap the buttons on the ps4 but not on pc? because i have the pc version and it wont let me remap them.