@Chizou2023 its not just that im bored of the game, but mostly that i think EA have milked this Fast and furious chav trend too long.
Yeah it was something new and original when Black Box first launched UG1, because at that time that was a niche thing.
But nowadays there are so many street racers aracade racers outhere, that is why i think it couldent hurt if NFS would return too the glory cannonball days where the series got famous for.
My problem with story driven open world games is that after you complete the campaign, there is nothing left too doo beside going online.
That is why i loved the 90s games so much, because there was so much replayebility since it was just pure racing either with friends or Ai.
I mean even the NFS movie was more based on the 90s games, when it comes too the racing part they had no NOS.
Not even in the street race in the beginning of the movie or in the De Leon race, plus just look at games like Gran Turismo and Forza Motorsport.
Those games proves that track racing is still fun, off course FHM has mostly survived thanks too the Horizon games.
My point is i think a cannonball NFS could be fun still today if it was done right, or EA could try making two games they have the resources too do it.