Forum Discussion

Javiair's avatar
New Novice
3 hours ago

BAP Help: How to I use active rosters??

I need help. I have been trying to start a BAP career and I have the current most updated roster (sept 24) check marked. I know this because players like Patrick Laine is on Montreals Roster. 

But when I start a new BAP. The roster is old and it’s showing players on the wrong team. Laine is not on Montreal. Mind you a few things before people start saying things. 

I know once you start a new BAP career, you cannot change any roster manually. The computer takes over and what happens, happens. No matter how many edits you make to your current roster, it will not reflect it on the BAP roster and you would have to begin a whole new career. 

So this is what I have tried.. Just made sure the Sept 24 roster is check marked. On a side note, this should have been updated on the first day of the season, but I digress. I have used the Sept 24 roster and made a custom roster and edited people like Carey Price just so I can see if the roster is being used. 

No matter what I do. I cant get the updated roster to load in a new BAP career. What can I do?

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