Forum Discussion

DOMENICG's avatar
Rising Newcomer
3 days ago

Game disconnecting

I keep getting disconnected and sent to Home Screen. I have uninstalled and re staled the game 3 times. I have cleared cash, made sure my Xbox was updated. I also have followed many video steps this issue is not on my end it’s the game period. I have wasted hours trying to play and getting no where at this point I think I want a refund and will just play something else. 

how do I refund the game?


  • I feel you bro. Unfortunately it's EASY your dealing with. Your money is gone. I have the ps version and would like my $100 back. I've searched Sony and EA but with them being the great companies that they are I've just face the facts.


    EA sports......we recycle are games. 

  • EA_Aljo's avatar
    Icon for Community Manager rankCommunity Manager

    Hi there. Are you playing on a wired or wireless connection?

    You're welcome to contact the retailer the game was purchased from to see if a refund is available.