Forum Discussion

Manster54White's avatar
Rising Scout
3 hours ago

IceQ? More like Brain Freeze - OWN GOALS

IceQ? More like Brain Freeze - OWN GOALS

Hi all,

I have been playing this game for decades. The last few years the "own goals" thing has gotten utterly ridiculous, both in BAP and Franchise. This is from BAP a few minutes ago.

The best part is hearing Pounder (THE WORST EA announcer of all time, but that's on another post) say, "You don't see that very often," as it happens for the SECOND TIME IN ONE GAME.

of the HUNDREDS I have seen, this is BY FAR the worst. Done by an 11 year veteran, no less.

NHL teams go ENTIRE SEASONS without an "own goal."

ICEQ? Seriously? this is infuriating. Please fix it.

I could not get this clip to load to EA.

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