Forum Discussion

ssoliz91's avatar
Seasoned Novice
3 hours ago

New Stumble/Imbalance Animations, Hitting, and Collisions

I love to see the responsive animations play out on the ice! Makes the game feel more realistic. 

However, it seems that often times there is a lack of a physical response when going in for hits or even simply running into someone/something.  Don’t get me wrong, I love that hitting isn’t the ridiculous arcade smash fest that it was in 24.  But I feel like there should be some kind of consequence/response/reaction for any and every player that comes in contact with one another or the boards or the net. 
Again, I don’t want to see every hit be an immediate knock down and turnover, but I’d like to see that the characters are responding to all the forces in the environment (including contact with the boards).  

I also see real professional hockey players losing there balance and falling over or letting their skates slide out from underneath them from time to time.  It would be a nice touch of realism if you could add these types of animations into the game into situations where it would be appropriate.


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