Forum Discussion

Greyinsi's avatar
Seasoned Rookie
3 days ago

The Lobby Sim 25

The matchmaking is so utterly broken in EASHL and OVP, that it needs to be fixed within week or this game is already good as dead. We need back match room size, region and goalie, asap. We are team of 3-4, and would like to match same size teams as it’s most fair for everyone to play.

We have tried to play two nights now, for roughly 2.5h. More than half of that time is spent on lobby. Either our opponents back out, or we back out due horrendous ping or wrong room size. The matchmaking seems to put everyone in one big pool and just randomise the opponent without any logic or region priority. Most of the time we are matched to full NA teams (being from EU)… We even tried to match our rival team from another town, which took us 6 tries even we tried to synchronise the search. How is this even possible? 
This randomness leads me to think that this is done on purpose to combat teams that tamper their win rates? EA_Aljo

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