This is hockey not Fortnite
For 26 can we PLEASE stop with these micro transaction costumes and ridiculous emotes. I think we all remember loading into a game back in the good old days when it showed the stadium rockin’, the players skating out of the tunnels, and it felt like a big game. Now playing EASHL feels like I’m deciding where to land in a battle royale with alien and skeleton characters and the weird animation where it shows all the players in a line doing supernatural dances and whatnot. I really don’t care about the idea of micro transactions. If people want to spend the money and EA wants to make it, that’s fine. As long as it still feels like I’m playing a hockey game. When and why did we go away from that? CoD just announced they’ll give players the ability to turn off skins so while other people might be using ridiculous characters, any users with them turned off would see just regular looking soldiers to give the game an actual realistic feel. At the very least NHL 26 should have this option. I just want to play hockey…
Also while I’m on a rant, playing with EASHL CPUs is brutal. That’s basically the only game mode I play, but I messed around with the Four Nations on superstar and was shocked to discover that CPU defensemen CAN actually stop a rush and on offense they CAN actually make a decent play. Why not instead of having whatever it is 56 OVR CPUs all the way through they maybe get progressively better as you move up in divisions? The AI is capable of being at least somewhat useful, but as it is now they are invisible as long as the users speed is above like 86 and the breakaway attempts are comical. Just make them at least decent. Also, just two more quick things, teams should be able to customize their CPUs. We shouldn’t need to see Lee, Jackson, Wagner, Lehmann, etc. every game. Let me customize it the other guys on the team. To include name, number, gear, celebrations. Why not? And finally, this is a small one, when I create an EASHL team, please let me choose a logo right off the bat. I like the team progression with unlocks, but it’s so frustrating to have to wait forever with hockey bags to finally get our team logo. We’ve had the same team and same logo for years, why am I waiting around for months of gameplay in order to finally put the logo on our jerseys just because we didn’t luck out and open it in a bag early on…