Patch Notes for DIRT 5 Update 2.00 are below, which is available now on PC, PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X|S and Xbox One.
'SNOW LIMITS' FREE CONTENT PACK - New Playgrounds items, new liveries, new Ice Breaker circuit, new customisation items and the option for Snowy conditions in Playgrounds all added, for free to all players
WHEEL SUPPORT – Extensive selection of wheels supported for DIRT 5 across each platform, including Thrustmaster, Logitech and some Fanatec devices
- Further general visual and performance improvements across the board, including visual updates to the ‘Prioritise Frame Rate’/120hz mode on Xbox Series X
- Further FPS improvements when using Image Quality mode on Xbox One and PS4
- Fixed issues causing flickering lights during night-time events
- PC: Further fixes for reports of crashes and startup issues
- Fixed issue causing game freezes in the Career – Sponsors tab when selecting an Amplified Edition sponsor
- Fixes for crashes occurring at the beginning of some Career events for some players
- Added option to listen back to previous podcast episodes from a playlist
- Fixed visual bug in Career mode that shows the player earning more than the maximum amount of Stamps after completing Throwdowns
- Technical changes made to the matchmaking process; search times for lobbies have been increased to improve the likelihood of live lobbies being found
- Friends lobby size increased to eight players
- Fixes for crashes occurring when exiting active multiplayer events
- Fixed multiple bugs causing crashes and performances issues in split-screen play
- Audio fixes for low volume in split-screen mode
- Leaderboard display adjusted to show faster target times
- Resolves occurrences of objects being available for the wrong event type
- Amplified Edition entitlements fully unlocked for Amplified Edition pre-order players
- PS5: Fixed issue with Trophies not unlocking. Any Trophies earned during this issue should unlock for players after completing one event
- Further improvements made to AI behaviour, particularly in races with large grids
- Fixed instance of cars triggering a track reset incorrectly on Arizona – Merrick Butte location
- Fixed issues causing crashes in the post-race menus
- Sprint cars: changes made to handling model following community feedback
- Display fixes for PS4/PS5 Trophy images and text
- General stability and quality of life improvements across each platform to improve your experience