@EXR_SpeedSensei wrote:
- Platform: Steam
- Country: Estonia
- Place where error was encountered: Clubs
- Kind of error: Connection failed. The server is not available.
As you can see, many Estonians have had problems connecting to the Dirt rally servers recently, the problem is actually with the service provider (Elisa), I have tried with other service providers and everything works without problems, I have also been in touch with Elisa's customer support and they say that they have been dealing with the problem but unfortunately nothing has been fixed for a while, what they need is the IP address used by the server/servers and the port, it is possible that some address has gone to their black list. If possible, send this information to my address and I will forward it to Elisa.
@Player_n1d4uh1n @EXR_SpeedSensei @DarcseeD @Surmahirm @taaviriisenberg @Dittcher @Circeanzz @RenegadeR-X @putyourhelmeton @Villunato @Speedowner @5u54
Hi everyone.
To our Estonian players, please try this:
• Visit https://dirtrally2.dirtgame.com/
• If you can't connect to that, please contact your ISP and send https://dirtrally2.dirtgame.com/ to them, and say that you cannot access the website (and that your game can't access it either).
• If you can connect to that, you should in theory be able to connect in-game as it lives within the same IP range as the website..
• If you can connect to that and view leaderboards, but still can't connect to the game, reply to this and we can take another look.