2 years ago
Anyone else notice very choppy frame rate?
This is a new issue I'm having just over the last 3 or 4 days. I've played this game pretty much every day since release but this problem has just cropped up recently. The backswing is very slow and choppy and I'm making a lot of my putts short because the drawback on my putter is so incredibly slow and maybe skips a frame or two and then I end up leaving the ball short.
Don't know if there was a recent small update or what the problem could be but it certainly annoying. The game was almost giving me a headache last night when I was playing it because of the choppiness
- @IXOYE56 I see that very few people had had this problem from the absence of replies but I finally figured out my issue last night after some googling so I thought I would post my remedy in case anyone does run up against this issue. I was literally running about five frames per second and it made the entire game so jittery it was unplayable. Found a suggestion to turn off games in your quick resume, which I had about six of them running in the background, and as soon as I did so it solved the problem and was back to running normally.
Irritated it took me so long to find that solution because it's screwed me on many daily and seasonal tournaments I was playing