From what I’ve experienced, the way you configure your skills has a definite impact on RNG. I have a player set up as follows:
driving power level 4
driving accuracy level 10 (max)
driving control level 10
approach accuracy. Level 10
approach control level 9
approach recovery level 9
short game accuracy level 10
short game accuracy level 10
short game recovery level 9
putting level 9
at this power level power drive and power approach are not available.
With these settings, by utilizing specs that aid control and accuracy, and by staying away from overswings, RNG is reduced substantially; not eliminated but close. Essentially i find it a non-issue.
I have another player with enough power to have power drive and power approach, but the RNG is a greater and border line problematic.i can’t drive quite as long as the big guns, but I’m not 30 yards behind.
Not sure, but increasing the control level on all shot types seems to make the most difference. Bottom line is that you CAN influence performance by adjusting skills and specs.
From what I’ve witnessed in online play, most people seem to want to max out power to hit 350(ish) yard drives. You can only get sufficient power to do that by sacrificing accuracy and control values. Initially I had a player with max power and the RNG was insane; I had the same experiences that I’ve seen others post on this forum.
it’s up to each player how much pain you can stand in exchange for power.
Notwithstanding, i don’t think there should be RNG at all for Arcade play. I don’t play that myself, but did on TW14 and when you are in that mode, you want no deviation; you’re trying to shoot birdies/eagles on every hole. Arcade players should not have to deal with randomness. probably this should go for pro also.