11 months ago
Road to masters connection problem
Trying to play Road to The Masters and we are having same issue. Cannot connect and game is super laggy in menu
Hey @BigBurrBig
Thanks for the additional information!, when you have a moment can we try the following?
- Quit the game and other running apps from Quick Resume (For Series X|S consoles)
- Remove any connected device, or additional USB's from the console then restart the Xbox and check
- Check for updates
- Try the steps in our Connection and Advance Connection Guides
- Open you're Xbox NAT Type
- Change DNS settings (You can use the public google DNS primary:, secondary:, unless there is a different DNS you would rather use)
- Persistent Storage
- Go to settings > Select Device & Connections > Then Blue-Ray
- Select Persistent Storage > Clear Persistent Storage
- Alternate Mac:
- Go to settings > Select General > Then Network settings
- Go to advanced settings > Alternate Mac address > Select clear
- Select restart