The PGA Tour Community Wishlist - Add yours!
What features would everyone like to see in this game?
Here are a few that I have discussed between me and my friends who still play Rory from 2016:
1. Bring back Game Face!
2. Extensive create a player. Body types, hair, facial hair, etc. (not every golfer has an “athletic build”)
3. Heartbeat Moments in Online Multi-player.
4. An agreement with equipment vendors to where if you buy a driver or irons or shoes etc. in real life, they give you a code to access them in-game.
5. Free-moving camera around the green when you finish a hole to watch your friends putt.
6. No automatic “recommended” club in hand at any shot.
7. Caddie notes from playing a hole in a practice round.
8. Driving Range time in the lobby while waiting for players to load in before a round starts. Or:
9. Player clothes and accessory change capabilities in the lobby before a round starts.
10. Leaderboards among friends (long drive on each course, longest putt, best round..etc)
What do y’all think? Any others?
(CM: Edited to update thread title)