Tournament Scores aren't Registering
Platform:PlayStation 5
Summarize your bug I've played the daily Tour event today 4 times on Evian (9 holes 10-15mph wind) and shot -8 -8 -8 -7 and not once has the score registered. I tried turning off the PS5 and closing the game. Nothing works for me. I completed the other 3 tournaments today but this one wont register. On hole 1 on my first entry my character never showed up on the tee box so I had to quit out and re-start. Now every time I re-enter the event, I am not charged the entry fee and the score doesn't register upon completion. Any ideas?
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Try playing a tournament and see if the score registers
What happens when the bug occurs? The score isn't registering when I finish the daily tournament.
What do you expect to see? I expect to see my score show up on the leaderboard like it normally does.
I've played the daily Tour event today 4 time on Evian (9 holes 10-15mph wind) and shot -8 -8 -8 -7 and not once has the score registered. I tried turning off the PS5 and closing the game. Nothing works for me. I completed the other 3 tournaments today but this one wont register. On hole 1 on my first entry my character never showed up on the tee box so I had to quit out and re-start. Now every time I re-enter the event, I am not charged the entry fee and the score doesn't register upon completion. Any ideas?
See pictures attached.