@Ultrasonic_77 At face value, regarding the bugs, I would agree. Obviously, things need to be prioritized, and not everything can be touched. However, when I play modern Madden and see glitches and AI bugs that existed *20 years ago*, I think we can agree that we're talking about something a little more systemic. Also, full disclosure, I'm presently in full 'pissed off / scorned customer' mode. I won't waste your time with the minutiae but, suffice it to say, I was burned by F1 and FIFA in a big way last year, and I'm seeing the same crap with PGA, though maybe not *quite* as bad as those other games.
Ultimately, I want to see PGA developed to its potential. I love golf games, and TW12-14 are my all-time favorites. So I'm a little passionate about this. But, I'm sick and tired of the half-* efforts by EA lately, and I guess I'm airing it out while I still can because, if it's not tidied up by July, when my PlayPro sub runs out, I think I'm about done with all of it. Permanently.
There's only so much abuse I can take.