6 years ago
Players keep on bemoaning the lack of costumes in the store, i accidentally created a new profile that is costume free so i will post the daily costumes. I'm in the UK🇬🇧 and would like to point ou...
@MortStella Maybe we can go through the plants and count the costumes we have! I want to have all costumes, too xD
Sunflower 0
Peashooter 0
Wall-nut 0
Potato-Mine 2
Bloomerang 2
Cabbage-pult 3
Iceberg Lettuce 2 (I'm missing those two: https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/plantsvszombies/images/3/3c/CostumePartyIcebergLettuce.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20180309091902)
Grave Buster 3
Twin Sunflower 3
Bonk Choy 5
Repeater 4
Let me know if you have different numbers. Next world tomorrow 👀
22 December.
Let's continue with Pirate Sea. I got all of them except the black cylinder hat for Snapdragon and Threepeater 🤔
@MortStella Let me know if you have more costumes.
Edit: Threepeater costume (yellow and purple striped birthday hats)
Edit2: "Chinese" costumes
Pirate Seas Costumes
@MAGICDAVESHROOM To make us depressed because we see how many costume there are that we don't have and that are not included in the costume cycle 😈
Btw, would you mind adding the daily costumes to your #1 post so we have an overview at the end of the cycle 👍
@MortStella The costumes you don't have are not included in the cycle and won't show up in the store. I'd suggest that we compare the existing costumes with the costume cycle and then rant about the missing costumes on reddit once we completed one cycle 😈 Same as always...if you have more than shown in the picture let me know.
Edit: Winter Melon's Green Hat + Split Pea costume (probably both not released?!).
Edit2: Winter Melon's green hat was released.
Edit3: Pea Pod costume (not released?!)
Edit4: Chilli Bean Costume
Wild West Costumes
@PowerTossThank you! I only have 1 missing from Pirate Seas and its those darn Lightning Reed bunny ears 😥😥😥😥
Edited to add I forgot to say I don't have any extras to the ones you published 😁
I can't keep adding the daily costumes to the number 1 post because only three screenshots can be added to any one post.
I had no idea there were so many different costumes for most of the plants.
@MAGICDAVESHROOM I see, I didn't know that. I will put the costumes you post in one file then!
Frostbite Caves was fast to do...not a lot of plants in that world. I'll do the other worlds after Christmas. I'm only missing the Valentine's Day Pepperpult costume.
Edit: I think the Valentine's Day Pepperpult costume is Chinese only.
Edit2: Rotpbaga costume
Frostbite Caves Costumes
@HenryThePear The bunny ear costume for Lightning Reed is one of the best costumes in the game...and I'm glad I have it! The costume was sold for gems in March 2015 along with a lot of other costumes.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zfZ0Kv4x9YQ (4:50 min)
@MortStella wrote:
@MAGICDAVESHROOMI think you'll be secretly off to get some ruby red slippers for your Shrinking Violet soon!
Like these?
Oooooh shoes!!! The way to a woman's heart!
I have both those and like all women can never decide which ones to wear! 👠👡👢🧦
Finally a world I have all the plant costumes! (I hope there are no additional costumes)
Lost City Costumes
Oh no, it's getting worse and worse. I just found out that there was a PvZ Heros event in November 2016 that added costumes for Bonk Choy, Torchwood, and Fume-shroom. I have none of them :/
This is terrible news, you have failed your plants.
tsk, tsk, tsk, PowerToss, disappointing your plants like that !!
@HenryThePear , i got the green costume for endurian from pinata party
I want community challenge return
I miss a lot costume and reward from it ☹️