Did not receive my GEMS reward with special offer
I have been trying to get help for over two weeks now on an issue that I had at the beginning of February with a special offer for extra gems when making a purchase of items from a list of different companies and offers.
I have sent multiple copies of my username, member number, receipt for the product I purchased, all to no avail. There have been six different people send me an email saying they will help me so I send them all the information only to get an email the next day from a different person asking for the same thing.
I have spent well over $1000 buying gems and tokens to play this game.
I am very tired of not getting an appropriate response in a timely manner. I did get gems from two of the other offers but I did not get anything from the third purchase.
I hope all your customer service is not like this. It has been very time-consuming and extremely frustrating. I and to the point where I don’t even want to play the game because of being aggravated and resentful of not getting the reward I am supposed to be getting. I have sent multiple emails and responses with no help and no success. I hate to quit the game along with the other ones I play, but I am to the point where it’s just not fun anymore.
I would truly appreciate somebody calling me or personally emailing me that can settle this issue and not just have somebody else send me another email that is doing nothing.
Delores Ward