Forum Discussion
@Perfume-shroom92 wrote:Loveee the pinata party today~~~ XD such a better one compared to yesterday with all the clicking... I need more sap fling seeds please~~~ please give holly barrier and missiletoe seeds to someone else EA XD
Finally got my Sap fling to 6 YAY! Today’s party is so good. Will hold back joining Arena until tomorrow. How are your leagues going?
- 6 years ago
Seems like everyone is tired of being blovered,lol.
- 6 years ago@HenryThePear I didn't use blover...i am doing a pokra spearmint strat with BB. Like how powertoss posted in mid level forum. My score is only just about a million cause my BB is only level 3 but far i am doing ok~ The only hard thing is the first garg that appears but after that it is usually alright...
- 6 years ago
- 6 years ago@HenryThePear It depends on your level of plants anyway. I never like using pps with blover...don't know why...just never like it. Besides i also don't have the mint for pps. But oh well, i am sure it will come around again and i can add it to my collection~~ 🙂
- 6 years ago@Perfume-shroom92 I do not have appease mint too.. the last time it was sold was 8 months ago.
- 6 years ago@Perfume-shroom92 Do you have Enchant Mint? You can turn 1st garg with that. That's what I'm doing.
Moon Flower
Enchant Mint
Spear Mint
Im not even using my lvl 8 Cold Snap except in emergency. - 6 years ago
But back on topic. Even puny me got swag from that party today. Puny me now has lvl 2 Electric Pea thx to 10 seeds. Strong me hasn't played yet. Sap Fling not worth much in party besides slowing down zombies because it takes them time to eat him.
- 6 years ago
@linuxPigPenI do..but mines is a level 2 though. Does it work at that level? I know it sometimes can but not 100% sure...i didn't even touch the cold snap in this arena...
hahaha i just aim to collect all the gemiums and get them as high level as possible. I don't see myself using a lot of plants on a daily basis but i like seeing that i had made progress in getting them level up~~ 🙂
- 6 years ago@Perfume-shroom92 When gar is only zombie on the board it should work for you. It has nothing else to enchant. Mine at level 4. It refresh in 70 and enchants 4 when planted. Other than 5 seconds and 1 enchanyed zombie, you just as strong.
- 6 years ago@Perfume-shroom92 GOOpy is on sale.. but i am not gonna use my gems on it.
- 6 years ago@HenryThePear I am not planning to use my gems on anything other than gemiums which i haven't collected so far...All the other plants can wait for their turn to be unlock 😛
- 6 years ago@Perfume-shroom92 U do unlock goo pea? I have it at L5. Never used it anyway.
- 6 years ago@HenryThePear It was available in the electric tea event i think. Like they give x30 packets or something so mines is already at level 3. Going to keep it there first and see if any better deals or other gem deals for other plants come up
- 6 years ago@Perfume-shroom92 As Imp Pear and Shadow Pea will return soon(probably next few days),hopefully you have gotten enough.
I claimed my 1st Jade league winnings every week and 270 gems a week was such a hot deal to try!!(without using too many gauntlets). - 6 years ago@HenryThePear I am not sure how good the deals are right now. 25 gems for 10 packets of the plant and 10 of others are a dreadful deal to me..... I need another 60 packets of imp pear and another 100 of shadow pea...and so that is way too much gems. But however if they turn up in pinata party or in arena, i will happily grind away for them...
- 6 years ago@Perfume-shroom92 As far as I can see what is including in Pinata Party now is Sap Fling,Holly Barrier,Missle
Toe,Spore Shroom,Phatbeet,Electric Pea. Have not seen anything else except this. - 6 years ago@HenryThePear Plus carrot and red stinger~~ nope, i have not seen any other seediums. But i need another 10 for my sap fling and since I haven't start grinding any of those world plants either, I thought i will try and level them up via pinata party. Not that i use them but it will be good to get them at least to level 5.
- 6 years ago@Perfume-shroom92 get those handy gems for stalia lv5 and chards lv5. They are crucial.
- 6 years ago@HenryThePear I will eventually get there don't you worry~~ i am patiently working my way through all the world. They will all get their turn. I am currently at pirate and i am thinking of big wave beach next month for my BB.
- 6 years ago@Perfume-shroom92 I have never seen any useful plants in it except cherry bomb and 3peater. They are so hard to upgrade.
- 6 years ago@HenryThePear I grind according to the plants they commonly give in pinata party for us to use. Spike rock, spike weed, corn, 3 peater, cherry bomb...i don't know how many pinata party have i been given these plants and i get annoy at how crap mines are. So i am grinding pirate to satisfy myself and then move on.
- 6 years ago@Perfume-shroom92 BB is hard to come by. I've been grinding Big Wave for a month and have gone from 530 to 810. 70 of those were awards and coin purchases. But yours should come sooner. You're not looking for 1000.
- 6 years ago@linuxPigPen I got 310 BB seeds in one month. Guess just RNG.
- 6 years ago@linuxPigPen Mines is just level 3. Would be happy if i can get it to level 5 for a start. I usually play the pinata tracker and then every 4 days, buy the 100 gem pinata i shouldn't do too bad....i think. Fingers crossed...
- 6 years ago@HenryThePear That sounds exactly right. Ive gotten 310 from grinding and 70 otherwise. Gonna have to keep grinding til I get back to Jade. Only get 120 seeds for World pinata down here in the slums.
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