Forum Discussion

linuxPigPen's avatar
6 years ago

Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow

I've been working through the Far Future Fracas at a relaxed pace mainly because every game is giving me a headache. It is fast. It is furious. But I'm through level 8 without any lost mowers or glitches.

In the final analysis, all of those fast moving zombies are little but sound and fury, signifying nothing. I must just be selecting the right plants to spam the lawn with.

18 Replies

  • linuxPigPen's avatar
    6 years ago

    All dinos are dangerous criminals!

  • RogueYumei's avatar
    6 years ago
    All I can say is, I did p2w - Apple Mortar + Cauli helped me massively for the stages I can pick my plants in BWB from memory. Apple was also handy in stalling zombies from being picked up in Jurassic. In fact, I didn't go anywhere without my Apple. You know... an apple a day keeps the zombies away.
  • @RogueYumei how useful is Apple Mortar in high levels? At lv1 it seems quite meh to me. i would want to add it for my collection just as I like seeing apple cores on the lawn. ^^
  • Excellent hint! Piglet is working through Jurassic for the first time. He feels the time has come to MINE. He carefully surveyed his options in level 10 and debated using his newly acquired Perfume Shroom or taking the bolder tack of utilizing a lvl 3 Apple Mortar. He chose wisely and well as those Troggs never even got off the ground for the next 3 levels. Un mano por el caballo!
  • lawmfw's avatar
    6 years ago

    High level Apple Mortar slows/stuns the Zombies (and Gargs) and becomes quite boring...