A letter of thanks to the PvZ3 Team
Greetings dear PvZ3 developers, it's me, one of your biggest fans since 2022 and a faithful lover of your enormous work. With the recent news of the temporary closure of the PvZ3 softlauch, my friends at the PvZ3 Defenders Team have gathered to send you some notes of gratitude for your great work with this installment of the PvZ franchise. Now I will give you the notes from my teammates:
Crazy Dave:
Well Hello I am a Content Creator about this Recent game What is Pvz 3, For me the game was going in the right direction, either the things that were added but I do not know why that sudden change of closing its servers today, I know that you know why but I just thank the entire team for bringing us training these months of this year I know that you will not let the game die and I just thank you all for listening to our comments, ideas and opinions Thank you for everything and I know that Pvz 3 is not over here it still has to show what it was made for. Cheer up to the entire team I send you a big greeting and hug I am a User of the Pvz 3 Defenders Group.
Hello people in charge of developing PVZ3, I want to thank you very much for all the content you brought to the game from the January version until now, this game opened many doors for me to meet people, content creators, people who really like this game and above all, hours of fun 🙌
I really appreciate the developers for the smooth release time and I hope for better things in the future.
Hack Fuegos:
I greatly appreciate all the work you have done to bring this new installment of the franchise to life. Your passion for the game is as big as your own hearts. I only hope that when the game returns it will be in the definitive form that you wish to give us a 100% playable and enjoyable PvZ installment.
Thank you for everything PvZ3 SoftLaunch. Sincerely, your ever-supporting followers of the PvZ3 Defenders Team.