A map that PvZ 3 could add
Map: creepy cemetery
gimmick gravestone spawn in the beginning of the level and during the level
necromancy: zombies spawn from the gravestone(s) maximum of 4
grave carver: can repair damaged graves
gravedigger: periodically spawns graves
skeleton zombie: when destroyed collapse into a pile of bones and if not destroyed in time he respawns
Coffin zombie: wears a coffin as armor when destroyed a zombie conehead or buckethead come out
Vampire zombie: heals itself when it damages or destroys a plant
ghost zombie: can only be attacked when in range of a planten or when attacking a plant
skeleton gargantuar: when defeated falls into a pile of bones and if not destroyed in time the garg respawns
zombie lord: when alive all other zombies that die will turn into random gravestones and the zombie lord can also spawn up to three browncoat,conehead,buckethead or skeleton zombies in front of him
trick or treater: throws candy that gives zombies increased speed or health
plants: grave buster: destroys a grave
block buster: deals damage to zombie and deals additional damage to obstacles
doom shroom: destroys zombies in a 5x5 area
caulipower: instant: hypnotizes between 4-6 zombies
Hypno shroom: hypnotizes a zombie:
Jack o lantern: shoots a burst of flame that pierces through zombies
Aloe: heals plants in a 3x3 area
garlic: zombies that eat it diverts lanes
gloom shroom attacks in a 3x3 area
Cursed nut: zombies that damage this take more damage from evrything
vamp-pea when this kills a zombie it’s damage and health is increased
types of graves:
normal grave
sun grave: drops 3 sun when destroyed
plant food gravestone: drops plant food
taco gravestone: drops a taco
shield grave: has very high health
brain grave:when destroyed zombies in that lane gain double speed until defeated (zombies that come after don’t get that effect)
Bomb grave: explodes when destroyed