[Feedback] More plants and zombies (and being able to choose our seeds)
If pvz 3 is gonna stay the way it is, (which I'm not a fan of the game but I don't hate it) we're gonna need some new plants a zombies a few returning ones but first
Part 1: letting us choose our seeds
Please popcap and ea let my choose my seeds it's less fun when I'm forced to use certain plants, I have some ideas:
6 starting seed slots
I think 6 is a fair starting amount
2 more you can buy in the shop for 3 to 5k each
So that we can bring more plants but not get the option instantly maybe unlocking this in the shop after beating a certain level
Forcing the player to use a certain plant (or plants) on certain levels
This is fine and can be fun to build a strategy off that plant, picking other plants that work well with it, kinda like pvz2
Part 2: returning zombies
Bring back the zombies from the pvz3 2019 version:
I enjoyed most of the returning and new zombies in the old build and I would like to see them return
TV head (and cone and bucket variants): i think this could fit in with pvz3 a basic zombie that shoots your plants after a few seconds (also I just really like TV head and I think he could do well in pvz3)
All star zombie, newspaper zombie, yeti, and digger zombie:
I don't think all star was in the old version of pvz3 but if he was my bad, but I would really like to see these 4 return, there classics.
Raincoat zombie:
I know he's not officially in pvz2 yet but I think he would fit in well with this game since it probably won't have mecha all star
Part 3: new zombies (this section is short)
A surprise attack zombie: what if we had a zombie that landed towards the back 3 rows of your lawn and he started walking backwards kinda like digger but it would be in a surprise attack and multiple of them would appear
A water zombie:
Some sort of zombie that hides in water and springs out and attacks your plants, stuff like lily pad would be grabbed and dunked under the water, although tangle kelp would kill it
Part 4: returning plants
Listing them off:
Hypno shrooms, Zoybean pod, cattail, repeator, Torchwood, pumpkin, potato mine, Kernel pult, ice bloom, hot date, ice shroom, all plants from old pvz3, I think all of these could be cool, i also want to see the zombies be on my team with hypno and Zoybean i know a lot if people would like that.
Part 5: new plants (short like new zombies)
Scared pear:
A pear that is stressed and scared about zombies, overtime he freaks out more intill he goes crazy letting you tap on him for a big attack, although the attack makes him tired and he needs to sleep for a bit reseting his stress, he's a melee plant that has boxing gloves
Olive patch: an instant plant that slings olives in all directions targeting zombies, they hit zombies doing decent damage and soaking them in olive juice, making them weaker to fire and slowing them down.
That's all I've got I would love to see some of this stuff in the game if someone at ea or popcap read this please give me your thoughts on it and thank you.