my ideas for pvz 3!
Plants vs zombies 3 is getting better and better but it still is in softlaunch so i have some ideas
1. Endless Mode
as far as i know endless mode is only available when beating all of the adventure levels but why not put it after ex. level 200? then there would be a button where you can play endless mode
2. Minigames
There needs to be more minigames there isnt enough minigames for now also we need the conveyor belt minigame beacuse that one was cool in pvz 1 and 2 so why not add it back? there is also vasebreaker but its a seperate mode so...
3. More zombies
for now in the game there isnt much zombies we got browncoats, imps, gargantuars etc. but there isnt much zombies in the game and that makes it kinda boring and not hard when you know the counter to them.
that was it for now hope it helps a bit! 🙂
- Thank you for all the suggestions @Matiken_yt , we will pass them to the teams!