Keeps telling me to reset my password when trying to link account to psn
Every time I try to download rosters on madden it says my credentials have expired. I have reset my password and even created a new account and it still won't work. It won't let me link my ea account to psn either.
Hey everyone, this thread is now a bit old and I understand you are having the same issue. We will be locking this down at this point.
I dealt with this specific one daily. The issue here is typically due to wrong accounts linked, or this Ea Account has been disabled in some way. If your console isn't connected to an EA account and you get that error, the issue is with the EA account itself.
The first thing you need to do is reset the password to the EA account, not the console account if you are linked to a console.
The password reset must be with the original email on file. If the password reset is done and does not resolve it, it is either the wrong email or changes to the account have been made.
At this point, please get in touch with live support so that they can take a look at the EA account. They will review what has happened to you and let you know what steps to take.You can contact our live support.
You can contact EA Help via the EA Help website. Detailed instructions on how to use the EA Help service can be found here.