[Petition] Save Battle for Neighborville! Update: 5000 Signatures!
We did it, ladies and gentlemen! We reached 5000 signatures!
Zero's video: https://youtu.be/dFACXan0d-E
Redhead's video and live stream: https://youtu.be/mgzT-GwJK0I and https://youtu.be/LDaqTa4uo5I
My ideal wishlist of what I'd like to see added into BfN before it would be cut off of its development:
• Damage Fall-off
• Improved AI Backfill
• Returning Battle Arena to Ranked
• Ability to buy Rux items with coins and/or prize bulbs
• Two new plant characters (Iceberg Lettuce and Super Bean)
• Two new zombie characters (Robo-Zombie and Mini Garg)
• Ops Phase 3
• New game mode(s) (Taco Bandits and/or Gnome Tag)
Now I know that most of this stuff is just not going to happen if we're thinking level-headedly. So at the very, very least I would be fine with:
• Damage Fall-off
• Iceberg Lettuce
• Ops Phase 3
Big thanks to all of you. Be sure to sign the petition, share it with others, and spread the word. Discuss, make videos, make art, whatever you can. Let's keep going with the good fight!