I think rose in the beta was still good. I liked that "support" feel when playing her. (Snare them so that your teammates can shoot them accurately, disrupt the enemies and dispell the turrets and so. Area cc, long range so you didn't have to run in the fry)
But it's true that now she's just the best damage dealer in the game and I feel dirty when I play as her, so I just try to avoid it.
She was good in the beta, her damage wasn't too high but that didn't mean a thing because she couldn't miss. So she was the one in charge of taking down the imps, and she did that so easy you can't imagine.
Now she does only need 5 hits to take down one, and as an imp, you can't avoid that most of the time. No matter the speed or the jumps you do, you are dead.
So now her damage per shot is higher, too bad. But that is not the problem. The problem lies within the homing properties of her shots. She can lock on targets even before she see them. So now snipers who get spotted are dead before they have time to aim at her, because she doesn't need to zoom and aim. I don't think anyone uses the left click (I play PC) to shoot as rose, since it slows you. You can jump around and run as fast as you want while having all your shots hit your target, thus making it harder to the enemy to do any damage to you.
Close range she's vulnerable, that's the only way I feel she isn't god tier right now.
So rather than the damage, the homing is the problem in my eyes.
I could keep the homing and make it do less damage the farther the shot travel. So she would still be useful, but couldn't predate the role of the cactus. And she should have to expose herself to more danger in order to do such high damage.
Otherwise I would just re-do her shot mechanic, to ones without homing. Imps would be glad. She could still have high damage on her hits, maybe faster bullets or I don't know. But as I don't see popcap remaking any character. I guess the >less homing< or >less damage because is inavoidable< would be just nice.
Other thing that would help keep her sniping a bit harder would be the crosshair not turning red, because now you only fire if it is, you don't need to see anyone. But that would be weird since other characters also have this indication.
Oh my. Sorry for the wall of text. This will be my first and only post, and now that my 10 hours have ended I will have to wait until 25 because EU delayed release is so cool... :'(
I wish you all good luck having your balancing wishes fullfilled next week, feedback-giving friends 😉