I agree with most of the points mentioned until now.
However, having a look on the positive side of this update, here would be some points :
- the War store makes things a bit easier when you need one specific item. I had a hard time finding for example Hydrants in the past. In the last war we had, I bought 3 Hydrants via this store.
- the War money. Finally, specific currency to buy war items. I would like to find them though more often when repairing stuff and more often in the chests.
- I like energy booster concept, to help colleagues who have better resources.
What could be better:
- creating a specific store for war items
- Prizes were low before, now are even lower, for the amount of time and energy spent in a war. 20 Simcash for 2nd Arena , that's really nothing. You can earn this same amount during a day randomly via chests or presents. The same for platinum keys. EA should something into this direction. You can earn more stuff by CoM in this case.