Forum Discussion
274 Replies
- Anonymous11 years agoqg the trade is too small , the demand for certain items is much higher than the amount that you can find.
increased please let slot in qg or differenziatelo for nations or continents . - Anonymous11 years ago
For past 1 day i have been trying to buy storage tray at the global trade HQ and for purchasing I have visited countless other cities. Every time I get reply "there is nothing to sell" or "sorry, the item is no more available for sale". It is extremely frustrating as I cannot get the item naturally in the game by reading citizen messages (the game occasionally stops giving one type of item for couple of days) nor I can buy it. The game is stuck. The only way out is to buy each tray for 18 simcash but I think this is very crude way.
EA can charge a one time fee like whatsapp but asking money to pay for trade HQ bugs is very bad.
- Anonymous11 years agoWe should have a thing where you can order items in the depo and after some time you get them
@gppande wrote:EA can charge a one time fee like whatsapp but asking money to pay for trade HQ bugs is very bad.
it's not bad for EA is it? They make this utter trash market in every of their games so you are frustrated enough to pay real money for items you need. Sorry to say but that something is bugged or not working at all was never a reason to fix it or even care. That's how it is. Ever was. And ever will be. Posting on support forum won't change anything. You want the item, you pay money.
And yes. It's very frustrating trying to get one item for 6h of useless clicking and waiting for "not available" message.
- Anonymous11 years ago
I have almost had it. I love this game, and have almost 300K in my little city (MeiMei Village). But almost every time I attempt to look for something in the Global Trade Market (as an aside, I rarely if ever buy what I need - when I go to a city the product advertised is NEVER still there) - the game crashes.
Whatever it is, a glitch a bug - whatever - it renders the game nearly unplayable. I will hit the Global Market and visit one neighboring city - CRASH. Restart the game, open a neighboring city CRASH. Open game again, just merely open the Global Market - CRASH.I have deleted and reinstalled. I have restarted my phone. I have cleared my cache and data. Nothing works. Please help!
- È impossibile comprare qualcosa nel mercato. Sembra ci siano dei bot automatici che acquistato tutto il materiale in meno di 3 secondi. Bisogna fare a gara per comprare qualcosa. Mercato totalmente inutile per gli acquirenti. Il dito più veloce? Mi dispiace il mercato non ha veramente senso. Le persone non guardano il prezzo del materiale ma si limitano solamente a vedere l'immagine e comprano ad occhi chiusi senza porsi nessun dubbio riguardo il prezzo. Non ci sono indecisioni o inflazioni ma solamente uno solo scopo: "compra compra compra prima che lo facciano altri". Un consiglio che vi posso dare è non mettere limiti di prezzo sui materiali, questo dovrebbe aumentare l'inflazione è recare alle persone indecisioni e quindi darebbe un po' di tregua. Così oltre che vedere l'immagine e comprare ad occhi chiusi le persone guarderanno anche il prezzo. Se conviene comprare oppure no.
It is impossible to buy something in the market . There seem to be of automated bots that bought all the material in less than 3 seconds. You have to start a race to buy something . Market totally useless for buyers . The fastest finger ? I'm sorry the market has not really make sense . People do not look at the price of the material but are limited to only see the image and buy with your eyes closed without posing any doubt about the price . No indecision or inflations but only one sole purpose : "buy buy buy before anyone else does ." One tip I can give you is do not put price limits on materials , this should increase inflation bear personal indecision and then give a little ' truce . So in addition to seeing the image and buy with their eyes closed people will look at the price . If you should buy or not. - Anonymous11 years ago
I lost nine carbs because I could not sell the quantities announced. Only managed to remove them throwing items in the trash. Is there any way to cancel the sale without losing the items?
PS: Sorry but i used google translator because my english is very poor.
- Anonymous11 years agoNo, but the will eventually sell. Daniel should buy them.
- Anonymous11 years ago
agreed with reply,
There is no current way, you just have to wait for daniel to buy them.
Though that could be a few days.
- Anonymous11 years ago
yes its a problem, you have to choose quick, within milliseconds of the clicking inside the trade
when inside the shop, you have to click immediately.
Still even with this technique many items gone.
no workaround
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