If you want to be scammed then pay to buy these cards, but I think most honest players don't put a penny to buy these cards because it's not worth it, spend a few dollars, to improve a disaster from level 6 to 8, and then find hackers with level 15, that makes no sense, maybe some innocent new player will make that mistake, but after a while they will realize the scam, it is obvious. While EA does not solve the problem with hackers, these new attacks are really nothing for those who want to enjoy the game, it does not represent any change. I think this is the reason why EA is trying to force COM players (which are many more) to play wars and also spend money, but that obviously won't work. Desperation is evident, but the solution about forcing by COM is very bad, if wars have few players it is for obvious reasons.
In my club we reached a good rank, and we get a position like 400 in the leaderboard. We had 8 wars in a row with only cheaters, over and over again, impressive! , players with low war rank, but level 15 disasters, and drops unlimited magnetisms attacks. I didn't think it was that true until I experienced it, we had an open war with one of these cheaters club, and they threw more than 100 magnetism in every of our cities, they always rebuilt fast, and i was wondering, How much space do they have in their storage? i mean, to be able to launch so many magnetism you need a lot of space, and what do they do with ducks and ammos? because they always threw magnetism, no other attack, and they get a lot of items by rebuilding, just insane.
Many of these clubs use discord, and we reached they and talked with they asking why cheating? some of they laughed and mocked us, saying: '' oh my god probably your are new here LOL, this is the way you play this game, noobs! LOL'' and others were more '' kind '' like: '' we started cheating because is the only way to get to this league, all clubs here are hackers, all of them, sorry about that, i know how its feel, if you want we can do an open war with you '' ...
They always says that when you talk to them in discord, '' If you don't cheat here, you can get to the leaderboard, is how this part of the rank is, just get over it''
We have been reduced to 700 in the leaderboard, we are currently in a war with a team hacking again... So,
you will realize, the 700 clubs in the ranking, all are hackers, maybe there are some honest clubs giving a strong battle, but I doubt that they are very interested in the game
So, honest players are quitting, so EA is feeling the lack of players, and the solution is putting tasks about war in COM (oh my god) ...
as long as EA doesn't understand the problem, I guess we'll keep playing a game hungry for money (tasks pay2win, a lot of ads... )
If this new thing is an attack, in the same week we gonna see a lot of players with that attack level 15. we would assume that that would be obvious to EA's attention so they put more interesting taking an action, but considering that this has already happened with Mellow Bellow and others new attacks,
and EA remained completely the same, I don't think this new attack is something nice.
I'm sorry LOL, surely not the best answer, but as long as I am at war right now with a hack club, and EA's little interest continues like this, I'm not very good at having patience, lol.