Wars have 2 kind of sicks in my opinion.
First one, are those insane people (i think something is wrong with they), who have 10 accounts, 10 cities i mean... 9 feeders, and only 1 where they play.
I was thinking that is too much to be real, but i met a lot of clubs with that behavior, also there is a group in a social network, where everyone comments, and it turns out to be the most normal and common thing in the world to have a club just for you and 9 feeder accounts...
That's probably good for they, but for a club with 10 real people is boring, only one person in the other club can't give us a good fight, he/she isn't active enough to entertain 10 players, so we have to wait a lot of hours too see when that only person is going to unbubble and fight. So, that's the only thing i think is good with this new attack! because a team with 9 feeders and one guy can be perfectly crushed with a team with 25 players, those 25 don't have to wait for that guy and can keep firing, while that only guy need to move on in that awful strategy.
The second one, are the no-honest players ,who have disasters level 15, and i think they remain still after this new attack, and EA still need to solve this.
And there is also a monster, that is a combination of the first one, with the second one, if you are really unlucky, like my club lately, you can find this enemy also, only 10 cities feeder with war rank 1 but level 15 in all disasters (9 of them feeders), and only one city that comes out every 12 hours.
I leave a picture so you can see how far madness goes, hard to believe, but true LOL . I really think this was needing a solution.