@Superpraesi wrote:Hard to believe how EA can completely ruin the game with just one update.
Is actually funny that, the update destroyed CoM with the new tasks and also the war, sad.
Talking about the buster and shield issue. I've always thought that the problem were cheaters with their endless attacks and 9 inactive accounts to reach 10, totally annoying and frustrating fighting these enemies over and over again. But the game against legal players, where both teams struggled to maintain the lead, taking care not to repair, using our boosters and using our strategy, was the best. Unfortunately, I consider that the game has been ruined with this new attack, I respect the opinion of those who hated the bubble strategy, but this is certainly worse..
Some of the problems I can name:
The team who have their attacks level up is the one who going to win. No strategy, just do deliveries, unbubble with this new buster, then bubble again with jp, unbubble the city with the new buster, then bubble again. Freezes, umbrellas, duds, vampires, are completely useless now, what is the point of watching the game for two days, waiting for the enemy to get online, so that when they remove the shield of your city, so you are there to umbrella or dud, lol. of course no, I'm not going to do that (even if you dud it, nothing happens, they can repair your city and try again, hilarious).
What is the point to use an umbrella in your city, when there are a lot of another targets, the enemy can pick one, remove the shield and attack, ignoring you umbrella.
freeze an enemy 15 minutes? For God's sake, you have more than 20 hours to take someone's shield off and attack when it pleases you.
the enemies will choose the weakest of your team (the inactive), and will attack him forever, and no one on your team will receive parts.
Also, the ''shield'' was making a balance between 10 enemies and 20. Now, obviously a team with 25 members is gonna crush a team with 10. Is about doing deliveries, unshield enemy and attack, the team with more energy, boosters, items and attacks (a perfeclty a team of 25 players) have a huge advantage.
Since both enemies are going to attack the inactive one, unshield, attack again, this will create a hole that will take the items of both teams to nothing, feeling like you are only attacking and not being able to receive items. it's like being in A1 against a dead enemy, so that in the end, both teams will be exhausted, and they will realize that wars are now simply do deliveries without any strategy. I think everyone is going to get bored.
The buster erradicate the shield and heals +7, so, if you rebuilt (inside of the shield) like 7 houses, when they use the buster attack , you are unshield and completely green, (7 + 7) , so, It's interesting to see that, repairing even inside your shield is a mistake, you're helping the enemy, what a fail!! LOL , this is so unbalanced, oh my God, if you want to do the things hard for your enemy you should never repair now, not even inside the shield, You should never repair, both teams should forget about that... without a doubt... , this is a disaster.
I guess having a team of 25 is the option now, at least it's more people to talk to. I say ... you know, so as not to leave the game and evolve as it gets, lol.