@ing_mamo those aren't cheaters and also don't deserve any kicks. The problem here is that the game is designed in slowing your progress, when you more advance, the game tries to slow you more, the developers are mentally obessed with this, that's why i never level up anymore, more levels more items to care, more differents tasks for CoM, more regions = more items, more hard tasks, etc. Is like when you upgrade you storage and you now need more storage pieces that you need to have there making space so you don't even feel the extra space you got. In wars is the same, you need 8000 points for the first blue chest, 16000 second one and 32000 the third one, even when i have some good disasters, is really hard get those points, is a lot of money, time, etc... Then at the final (2 days waiting for this) you got 2 golden keys, 400 war points, 1 freeze, 3000 coins (useless when you spent like 100 000 coins in one war, is just a scam) , and finally 3 cards of not in kansas, if is common, are 7 cards of plant monster or other. You need like 6 years if you want to upgrade to a lvl 12 at least one disaster with this method. This is soooo wrong! So, first time when i saw guys like this my reaction was bad, but these days i understand that is the way actually if you want to grow in war in this game. These guys just decide to leave their groups for a while a go to low arena and enjoy chests, so those guys you mentioned just want chests, they get golden chests with those points, even that! They spent time, money and a lot doing that, again, is a really bad designed. Also in low arena some boosters are locked, so some chests don't waste space in this and give you cards, that's the reason why they have good disasters, because they're nomads who jump between low clubs claiming chests and easy cash until they feel enough stronger to go back to a real arena for they, this is acceptable, your decision, legal, and harrd to say is incorrect or bad when you know how this game slow down your progress, actually many clubs in high leagues have their secondary club in low arena to switch. The problem here is the unbalance, time by time you have to face guys like this, but is not the players fault, is the bad design of this rewarding system.
I actually want to do the same thing, but i'm good in my club and we are 10 so if one of us leave they can't start more wars, and players are uncommon in high league.
About that they have only 2 disasters unlocked, is the same thing, actually , you want to do the same, the amount of golden keys are just stupid, you need 80 keys for lvl 6 --) lvl 7, then 100, 120, and this the common one, you need more for rare and legendary, so, again, is gonna take you YEARS to level up all your disasters to lvl 13 or 14, keep it mind golden keys = vu items, since the fastest way to get keys is launching vu disasters, and this vu items are terribly uncommon, is already a pain gain enough for CoM, just imagine how many keys you need, oh my god... So is better if you choose only 4 disasters and you just upgrade those, then when you need 200 for one level and you have those keys you gonna remember me and say thanks to that guy in the forum!!
In any other game, when you're stronger you go to fight with stronger opponent cuz that give you good rewards and is fun, and when you beat a "noob" you either don't receive points or the rewards aren't good. In this game that doesn't work, if you beat a big one you receive scam, and your reward is better if you abuse the little guys in low leagues, that's the reason my friend , the reason that so many complaint about monsters players in a noob area.