Can kids' accounts go on-line to play Battlefront 2?
My pre-teen son is trying to go online and play Battlefront 2 with his friends, but he receives an error message when he tries to log-in to his EA/Origins account. I read on-line that EA/Origins prevents kids younger than 16 years old from playing Battlefront 2 online.
Can you please confirm whether kids' accounts are permitted to play online? Is there any way for parents to determine which EA/Origin games their children are permitted to play? (For example, an adult's "Parent Account" could change settings for the child accounts in his/her family, including granting permission to access on-line content for specific games. This is similar to what Microsoft does with the Xbox account and access.)
@hirschihuskies97 @NextiroDT @TheArgonaut
Hello there!
Yes, you can use the parental control settings.
(That totally depends on your gaming platform.)
Please check the link below.
Best Regards,