After S2 E2 (...or TM.E10, whichever) I get creepy vibes from The Mandalorian.
Creepy; "Have babies" command-vibes. Or You know... Subliminal messaging.
Maybe that's not the intent, but It just kind of comes across that way ... With so much focus being placed on *BABY* Yoda, and now, the Frog-Lady "Save my species from extinction" narrative. Paired with the Crazy Momma Spider and her born-combat-ready-ilk. All three similar scenarios being jammed in the same episode gave me pause for some critical thinking about what I was taking in. The Frog Lady being nude so readily in front of the Mandalorian... If she were more human-like, how many people would feel uncomfortable with that situation being depicted? Why is it okay to make female characters strip and bath in front of protagonists? (Do we speak for only human women, because we are human? When do we stand up for the principles of the things?) Also... If she is really a frog lady, then why was she going for heat at all? Aren't most amphibians partial to cooler temperatures? (And even go so far as to simply shut down during colder seasons?)
[On a somewhat related/nonrelated note; BABY BOOMERS! YOU WERE KIND OF AN ANOMOLY! Our population was lower before you came along, if newer generations don't want to have kids; that doesn't mean we're doomed. Generally, we were in lower population numbers PRIOR to the boom. Humanity just seems to be heading back into those numbers. Maybe it's just that lower numbers are our default. Just think If we stick with so many old fogies for ... maybe seven generations, we could expand our life spans, and people who are older in the future may be stronger than those of these gens. So just chill. Don't worry about the future too much. ]
It seems as though someone was being sneaky with slipping in trigger-esque buttons throughout that particular episode.
There were some parts that straight up brought me down when they occurred. (*My mate also found this moment to be rude->) The Mando's Tatooine fuzzball friendo, Peli Motto; when she mentioned something along the lines of Mando rusting his armor from too much pouting/crying. Mostly. I get that there is a desire for strong female characters, but when you have them being restrictive to males by enforcing a gender stereotypical role; to buck up and not be emotional, to do work, then I don't care how strong the females are.
Gender equality loses when it puts one gender into a stigma...
Anyway. This week's episode put me into a funk. Hopefully the Mando provides more enjoyable episodes later...