This is what I labeled the Secret Skins BUG. You can check my report on it here: https://answers.ea.com/t5/Bug-Reports/Visual-Glitches-on-Many-Hero-Skins/m-p/7811066
You can actually trigger them on purpose on the match by following the method I exposed there. Also, nobody can see this bugged skin besides the one who bugged it. So if someone told you they were seeing your Palps with the bugged skin, then he was either trolling you, or it coincidentally happened on his end as well. This BUG can also happen to allies or enemies for you, but like I said, it's a client issue, so only in your game things will behave the way they do. Any similarity with someone else's experience is just a coincidence.
The only reproducible method I know allows you to bug your own skin. I have no idea how your allies or enemies can get their skin bugged on your game, but I have seen it happening already.
I also suggested devs ignore this BUG for as long as possible, as it's harmless to gameplay, only interferes in the client where it happened, and is actually a cool glitch.