PC 1757 and 201 error codes
Attempting to play SW Battlefront 2. At the beginning of February, no issues at all. Now, I am lucky to get even 5 minutes into a multiplayer game before the game crashes and flags either a 201 or 1757 error code.
I have tried port forwarding. It didn't help (seemed to make the problem worse)
I have used the recommended UO Trace Route program. Watching the hops, the bad hops seem to happen right before reaching the target EA server (which is near San Jose, CA where these hops should be damn near instantaneous since the quality of the lines out there is gigabit or better).
Any suggestions?
I am playing on Wifi. Wired connection won't matter, because the ISP in my area is a WiMaxx system (large scale regional Wifi) so having wired in the house isn't any better (at least it didn't sole the issue when tried)
Any Suggestions?