Forum Discussion

WorseSaturn9's avatar
6 years ago

Yoda block glitch?

Product: Star Wars Battlefront II
Platform:Microsoft XBOX One
What is your issue related to? General
Summarize your bug Yoda is unable to block explosives.
What is your gamertag/PSN ID/EA Account name?
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
Can you tell us the date (MM/DD/YYYY) that you saw the bug? 06/27/2019
What time did you see the bug? (HH:MM AM/PM)
In what game mode did the bug occur? Heroes vs. Villains
What is your time zone?
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Play as Yoda and try to block explosives (such as Iden’s secondary fire or Bossk’s proximity mines).
What happens when the bug occurs? Yoda takes damage from explosives even when he is blocking.
What do you expect to see? Yoda being able to block all explosives.
Please select your region Europe
AMD or Nvidia Model Number

  • I would like to think that this is a glitch and not intentional.

10 Replies

  • This is intentional. Yoda can “block” saber strikes and he can “absorb” blaster fire to charge his “Unleash” ability (up to the limit of his stamina). What he can’t do (nor can any hero do) is block the explosive blasts from Iden’a secondary fire or Bosks mines. Likewise no villain can block Han’s detonate charge. 

    **players have complained that Han himself SHOULD take damage if detonating the charge within close proximity to himself in an effort to get an opponent away from him and I agree. 

  • Up until the latest update in June 2019, Yoda has been able to block all explosives. Doesn’t make any sense whatsoever to take that away from him. Grand Master Yoda is a very powerful force user and should have the ability to block lightsabers, absorb blaster fire and explosives!

    Yoda in BF2 can still be damaged and or killed if you get behind him and: swing your lightsaber at him (if you play as a saber villain), shoot him, hit him with explosives. You can also damage and or kill him if he drops his block for whatever reason, e.g. if he is out of stamina or swings his lightsaber.

    Bossk even says out loud in-game sometimes: “Master Yoda will not die easily”.

    Dice, why you bully Yoda?

  • I think they are trying different things out with Yoda now. They have even asked this very question in a survey they did a few weeks back.

    Previously (as @WorseSaturn9 said), Yoda was able to black all explosives that fell within the range of his block (so not from the back). When blocking, you could walk over the mines of Bossk without taking damage. 

    I thought that was a neat feature and didn't need a change as Yoda was a good counter to the grenades of Bossks, which are pretty overpowered in my opinion as you can't easily see them. I would like Yoda to block these as well, so revert the changes. But I assume they are closely watching the data of all players to see if the Yoda balance has improved with this change or not!

  • VetteC5RX's avatar
    6 years ago

    The issue is that it was considered OP for Yoda to be able to say, walk through Bosks mines or approach Iden with zero consequence.

    Yoda has exceptional mobility and realistically is effective without the need to be immune to explosives. His jumping height was increased and he’s always had significant dodge ability, plus there are his dash attacks. 

    Then there are his opponents to consider. Bosks micro grenades would be totally useless against a Yoda that could just block spam. 

    Both Iden and Bosk have exceptional escape tools at their disposal if used properly. Removing the explosive block results in Yoda being played different and, in truth, it’s one of the few changes that were made to the mechanics that result in better gameplay. 

    Yoda is still a good choice to combat either Iden or Bosk but you can’t just walk up to them for free anymore and truthfully you shouldn’t be able to; that was imbalanced. 

  • I will admit Iden is a dangerous opponent to go against if the player is skilled or has a lot of experience with her.

    To be honest she is a very good blaster character, being able to use her secondary fire every 2 or 3 seconds, which does 150 damage per hit if you hit a player quite accurately. Her ‘stun’ ability is also quite good.

    But Iden should not be as powerful as Grand Master Yoda. You would think that after having say about 800 years, Yoda would have a vast knowledge of the force, allowing him to be able to block explosives. Look at that shield in front of Yoda when he blocks. Also look at his left hand when he blocks.

    Iden can use secondary fire over and over again.

    Dice, please look into this.

    I also think Yoda should get further buffs:

    More health regeneration (300hp regeneration)

    I am pleased that Yoda’s attack speed has been increased but I still think it should be that little bit faster, seeing how he swings his lightsaber so fast when he fights Dooku and Sidious in Star Wars Episodes II and III respectively.

    Finally, a buff to his ‘Jedi Mentor’ starcard. At epic level Yoda takes 8% less damage overall. But in reality this is very low. Say Darth Maul does his ‘Spin Attack’ ability, with this starcard on   Yoda takes about 92 damage because the ‘spin attack’ does 100 damage (correct me if I’m wrong). This damage reduction is extremely low. It would be good if this starcard gave Yoda say 20% or a bit more damage reduction.

    Thanks for reading this.

  • VetteC5RX's avatar
    6 years ago

    As far as Iden being “stronger” than Yoda I can’t say that I agee; I don’t feel that she is. Yoda’s mobility, used properly, is more than a match to contend with Idens alternate fire; he doesn’t need to block those blasts and in truth; one of the things the developers appear to be trying to get away from is simply block spamming. 

    Remember two things to consider here: 1.) balanced gameplay means you’re not always going to get 100% movie reflection of the characters. There are a lot of Hero & Villain character attributes that don’t line up wit the Star Wars cannon and that’s mainly because you have to balance the gameplay. 2.) you have to approach it with an experienced user perspective. Every character should be built to the degree of expert use effectiveness. Characters should never be buffed or nerfed simply to compensate for player style. 

    EA / Dice have been doing far too much of that. Making character changes that result in game logics that aren’t balanced from an overall gameplay perspective. 

    It would not be balanced gameplay to say “Yoda is a Jedi master therefore should be stronger than Iden” ... well if that were the case it would result in Yoda scoring kills on Iden all the time and with too little effort. That’s not balanced.

    the concept here should be that every characters positive and negative attributes should not only complement each other but should complement every player on the field. 

    Making Yoda able to deflect explosives means that 3 of the villain characters are effectively useless against him, even with experienced players (Bosk, Iden, Fett). 

    Building a game so that certain characters are only effectively defeated by specific opponent characters doesn’t make for balanced gameplay it does the exact opposite.

  • Firstly I didn’t say Iden is stronger than Yoda.

    Secondly, you said block spamming. Say Yoda and Iden have a 1v1. When Yoda swings his lightsaber, he can be shot at, secondary fired, stunned and also Pulse Cannoned (but that’s just plain silly). Don’t forget blaster characters can roll too to avoid lightsaber hits.

    Yoda used to be able to block explosives from the front (Boba’s ‘Rocket Barrage’ ability is a bit inaccurate so some rockets did manage to damage him even though Yoda was blocking because they hit him from behind or the side, not from the front). Bossk’s ‘Predator Instincts’ ability allows him to shoot grenades. When Yoda could block explosives, some or a lot of Bossk’s grenades did manage to damage Yoda, even though he was blocking (possibly because they registered on him as if from behind or maybe the side). Same goes for Iden. If she hit Yoda with her secondary fire from behind, he took 150 damage.

    Dice took Yoda’s unique ability to block explosives from the front away from him, which I am very displeased at. That was his one distinguishing and unique attribute which no other saber user had (apart from Grievous when he may have had a glitch with his ‘Unrelenting Advance’ ability and still may be the case - please correct me if I’m wrong).

    Thanks for taking the time to read this.

  • VetteC5RX's avatar
    6 years ago

    You made reference to Yoda’s attributed in Star Wars cannon; I only meant to point out that balancing gameplay will inevitably result in a divergence from what we see in movies & cannon.

    that said; yes blaster users can dodge but that’s not a save all against saber users. Saber strikes are fast in this game as are most saber users. The perspective with blaster users is that they’re able to deal damage at a distance. This is because when you analyze all of the characters, as they are now, with all of the updates; most are ineffective at close range. Phasma being the only one that can realistically hold ground in close proximity combat with the sentry droid.

    For the other blaster users they’re best played at range. Most of them have been given better escape mechanics to try and help support this philosophy. For example Hans shoulder charge now doing significant knock back and Finns ability to run while using Big Deal.

    The majority of the players all agree that having a character with the ability to literally approach right up to a blaster user with little to no consequence is now considered overpowered. If Yoda can just absorb explosives as he advances the blaster users are melted; even with dodge, that’s because an experienced player can dodge and match movements and properly time strikes. 

    I play as Yoda a lot on the light side, in fact, he’s been a main of mine for a long time. I’ve used him before and after the update and I have zero issue or problem using him against blaster users explosive damage. Between his dodge, mobility speed, dash attacks, & Presence health there’s absolutely no logical reason why Yoda “needs”’to be able to block explosive damage. If played properly he can evade it well enough. 

  • Where is your proof that the majority of players agreed that his ability to block explosives is overpowered?

    I can argue against that. Let’s take Darth Vader for example. He is my main on the dark side. In a 1v1 situation, Darth Vader can walk up to blaster heroes with little to no tolerance. He can walk up to Finn with zero tolerance because Finn has no block breaking abilities. The only way for Finn to damage and or defeat Vader is if Vader drops his block to swing his lightsaber, runs out of stamina, jumps, dodges or if Finn gets behind him. Same goes for Han Solo, Lando, Chewbacca and Leia. In terms of a 1v1 scenario, Vader can walk up to them with little tolerance, provided he avoids Han’s ‘Detonite Charge’ and ‘Shoulder Charge’, Lando’s stun, Chewbacca’s stun and ‘Ground Slam’ and Leia’s secondary fire (although Chewbacca is the worst because he does damage through Vader’s block). Vader can block 46 blaster shots and 92 with ‘Focused Rage’ active.

    Vader can play defensively and hold his block up just like Yoda, only it takes Vader more time to get back to full stamina.

    So don’t say to me that Yoda was overpowered because he could block explosives.

    Yoda was the only lightsaber user who could block explosives, which was extremely unique.

    Why only in late June after the update was Yoda’s unique block taken from him? It had been in the game since launch and was it even in the patch notes that it would be taken from him?

    I’m not happy about this!

  • VetteC5RX's avatar
    6 years ago

    1.) your analogy is incorrect because Vader cannot block explosives. 

    The key factor here is blocking explosives. BOTH Vader & Yoda can approach a blaster user and deflect their shots but neither can deflect explosives; Vader never could. So, no; Vader cannot approach a Bosk or Iden with little to no consequence. 

    Yoda was given more mobility and his Dash Attacks break through blocks as compensation. He doesn’t “need” to block explosives. 

    As for the evidence; there are various threads on this. The majority of respondents agree that removing the ability to block explosives makes for more balanced gameplay because otherwise users like Bosk & Iden are at a significant disadvantage which does not constitute balanced gameplay. 

    One of many threads on the issue:

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