Forum Discussion

Anonymous's avatar
8 years ago

How do I figure out which EA account is linked to my PSN?

Hi guys, hope you can help me,

So I simply don't remember what is the EA account linked to my PSN Battlefront. I have multiple emails and can't seem to figure out which one is the right one. I kind of want to know which one it is so I can delete the others and FINALLY log into companion.

Thanks a lot,


10 Replies

  • EA_Archi's avatar
    Icon for EA Staff (Retired) rankEA Staff (Retired)
    8 years ago

    Hello @Achille3400  

    I am really sorry for this confusion, you are having with many EA Accounts. You can check your PlayStation ID, linked to your EA Account under Connected Accounts section on your profile page Alternatively you can get in touch with EA Advisors directly, so they can help you with your question. 



  • Anonymous's avatar
    8 years ago

    Thanks a lot for the fast answer!

    Though now that I have found which account it is, my progression does not appear, on companion when I log in.

    I verified this is the PSN account I play on, and it should be working. Though in companion, it says "Please login with this account in STAR WARS Battlefront on PS4 system to enable it".

    Bascially, my progression is not showing.



  • EA_Archi's avatar
    Icon for EA Staff (Retired) rankEA Staff (Retired)
    8 years ago


    Glad to hear you were able to track your EA Account. What is the device you are using Companion App on? Are you sure you are logged in with the same account there?

  • Anonymous's avatar
    8 years ago
    Yes, it is the same account. I am using this app on iPhone.
  • EA_Archi's avatar
    Icon for EA Staff (Retired) rankEA Staff (Retired)
    8 years ago


    So, restarting your IPhone and reinstalling Companion App did not solved this? 

  • Anonymous's avatar
    8 years ago
    Nope. Tried both. Perhaps you can look up if my account is linked to my PsN Achille3434 in the system?
  • im having the same issues n EA isnt helping at all i went to social media since they cannout help ive filled out 5 forms all with the same answer back -- we cannot find your account -- talked to 7 live chats and all they do is copy and paste the same answers no real help IWish they give sims and pvz to another company so i can be done with ea for good

  • I logged into the account my xbox was linked to and it said it was linked to the wrong account and when I tried to change it it said it had already been taken how do I find the account that took it

  • cofmann's avatar
    Icon for DICE Team rankDICE Team
    5 years ago
    I'm closing this thread to stop it being necroed.

    If you have any issues with SWBF please make a new topic about the issues you are having and what kind of steps you have tried to solve it.
