Forum Discussion

Kellar21's avatar
5 years ago

Large, unchangeable deadzone when using HOTAS, in-game options do NOT change it.

Product: Star Wars: Squadrons
Please specify your platform model. PC
What is your gamertag/PSN ID/EA Account name? Kellar21
Are you playing in VR? No
Which part of the game is the issue happening in? Prologue
What were you doing when the bug occurred? Step by Step detail is helpful. Flying in the first mission
Where did this issue occur? Please include menu name or in game location. First mission.
When did this happen? ( hh:mm) 02.10.2020
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
How severe is your issue? Can play, but it's highly frustrating
What happens when the bug occurs? There's a ~20% deadzone on the X and Y axis on the joystick(HOTAS X52Pro) , no matter what configuration is done on the game options menu.
What do you expect to see? The Ship to answer properly to HOTAS input.
Which ship were you playing? If not applicable, just answer "no" or "none." no
What components were you using? Standard
Which customizations (if any) were you using? Standard

Product: Star Wars: Squadrons
Please specify your platform model. PC
What is your gamertag/PSN ID/EA Account name? Kellar21
Are you playing in VR? No
Which part of the game is the issue happening in? Prologue
What were you doing when the bug occurred? Step by Step detail is helpful. Flying in the first mission
Where did this issue occur? Please include menu name or in game location. First mission.
When did this happen? ( hh:mm) 02.10.2020
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
How severe is your issue? Can play, but it's highly frustrating
What happens when the bug occurs? There's a ~20% deadzone on the X and Y axis on the joystick(HOTAS X52Pro) , no matter what configuration is done on the game options menu.
What do you expect to see? The Ship to answer properly to HOTAS input.
Which ship were you playing? If not applicable, just answer "no" or "none." no
What components were you using? Standard
Which customizations (if any) were you using? Standard

No matter what option I use, there's a large(20%+) deadzone on X and Y axis on the joystick, making gameplay extremely frustrating and it becomes almost impossible to do any fine control during flight.

Apparently, this can be changed on the GstInput.DeadzoneFloor value in the ProfileOptions config file, but it resets after each mission anyway.

EDIT: Workaround: Used VJOY and Joystick Gremlin to reassign X-axis and Y-axis to X-Rotary and Y-Rotary and doing the proper reassingnments on the options menu(selecting VJOY as controller 1) there's NO deadzone I could observe with these axis, I upped sensitivity to 100% to improve response. I did the first mission and the beginning of the second and it seemed to work Ok.

  • Hi Pilots,

    Thanks again for flagging this issue to us. With Update 1.1, we've added the following fix for the HOTAS deadzone:

    • Added options in the menu called “Controller Global Deadzone" and "Flight Stick Global Deadzone” which will allow you to modify the deadzone individually for standard controllers and Flight Sticks

137 Replies

  • @Straatford87 going to check in a few minutes, I'm hoping this is the solution to my t. Flight hotas x feeling like I'm flying in molasses.

    I'll update when I return.
  • @Straatford87 That's great to hear!

    However, there's generally a ton of issues with HOTA, particularly if you also have rudder pedals. If I connect throttle, stick and pedals (TM Warthog + MFG Crosswind pedals) buttons on the stick (in my case button 14) will not respond and the pedals will only respond on one axis. They work just fine in (for example) FS 2020.

    It appears that more than two devices confuses the game. I need to run the TM "Target" app to combine both throttle and stick into a single virtual device in order to also be able to use my pedals. If at any point I forget to run the Target app before launching the game it becomes permanently confused.

    Users of Virpil hardware report that it just all around does not work.

    Anyway, great to see support. Looking forward to complete and robust controller support.
  • @Straatford87 Can confirm a world of difference with my T.Flight HOTAS X on my PC. Global deadzone 0 %, X,Y,Z axiz 0%, sensitivity at 50%, this is night and day difference.

    Still a tiny bit of tweaking, i think i need to add some deadzone to each axis as i think i have a 5% on the x/y.. but ya, this is 10000x improvement on reactions. Just did some practice skirmish and i can finally 'stay on target' without fighting the joystick!!!!!

    Thank you for fixing this for me. I hope it's a fix for most others as well. Now it's time to get out there HOTAS crew and hopefully teach those K/M and console controller folk a lesson for picking on me whilst i was crippled 🙂
  • BullitMagnit74's avatar
    5 years ago

    Just wanted to add, i just got into my first dogfight. I didn't get my highest kill count but damn... the amount of damage i landed was absolutely insane from what i used to be landing. I was actually able to control my ship and was able to turn n burn with Awings and actually land volleys! Such a difference from the spray and pray i was doing yesterday.

    EA, from the bottom of my heart, thank you for fixing this bug. It has made me from just tolerating the game, to absolutely loving it!

    Whilst i still have a few other gripes about autotarget guns and no TrackIR support, i'll leave those for the other threads. I consider this a big win for all SW fans with HOTAS. My hopes to all others who still have issues that you get it ironed out soon. There is no other way to play this game than with a perfectly functioning HOTAS!

    Cheers all!

  • BenL0nd0n78's avatar
    5 years ago

    No noticeable difference on my Logitech x56 after this patch. I still have to manually set the curvature to 0 in the HOTAS settings. This update did nothing for me!

  • Straatford87's avatar
    Icon for DICE Team rankDICE Team
    5 years ago

    Hey folks,

    Thanks for testing! And for those where it's working now, I'm glad to hear that.

    I'll close this thread now. If you still experience issue, please create a new thread, or post in that of someone else flagging post patch issues so we can start collecting examples.

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