Returning Player
I played this game back when it was not free to play and then again briefly when it went free to play. I had set up the account security key with my mobile app. It's been years since I've logged in and I wanted to come back and see how things are but when I try to log into the website it asks me for a key and when I try to use the app it wants a serial number. I tried clicking links for help or resetting things but it just directs me to this forum. How do I remove the old key so that I can log into my account and set up a new key? The links to the help about this seem to be outdated as the button to reset it is not on the page it just says that all help is now through EA.
if you know the username and password and leave the key blank , providing there is no other account issue the you get the below screen
although if you dont have the password correct and you get login failed you will need to call support to remove the key