6 years ago
1 shard a day
Come on now devs, the 5 a day hard node attempts is bad enough but to only be able to net 1 shard a day(sometimes none) without crystals is rediculous. If you played everyday and spent 100(20x5) energy it would take 330 days to unlock a single character at 7*. That seems awfully long to unlock a single character. Especially when you typically have to have 5 to make a team. So a full five, farmed one at time would take 1650 days. That's 4.52 years to get a squad of your favorite or needed characters. Grinds are one thing but this is just dumb. I'm not completely f2p so my grind is cut in half and it's still crazy time for a full team 2.26 years. At the rate in which you release content and new characters we are always behind because of the limitations you put on the game and farming. I not asking to instantly get the latest and greatest but just make it reasonable to farm heros. This comment is even excluding legendary content, which is fine. Just make the grind more feasible. I started playing while it was 8 a day and character farming was reasonable. I spent more money then then I do now and I sure others would agree. Hard to attract and retain new players when you can't get your favorite content for years.