Looking from perspective of a f2p myself, I don’t quite understand the frustration against p2p. They are who fund this great game. This is one of the rare online games while the entire contents are accessible by f2p. The game is also organized in a way that you are competing mostly against opponent of similar rosters (except both arenas), whether you built up your account F2p or p2p, which give f2p chance to compete. I do see the game become less friendly to new f2p recently as GLs made top of new arena full of whales. But I still see new f2p can climb to top of both arenas given time. Meta for fleet has been stale for nearly 3 years, anyone with Negotiator or Malevolence can climb to top. And right now, if a new f2p has just one GL SEE, he can also climb to top arena even whales have 5:)