"jEkaveli;c-2462415" wrote:
The B1 boss battle in sector 3 on normal is bugged for me, killed 67 and i didn't get one star. Timer ran out and it was a loose. Am i missing something here since you need to kill 20 droids for a star and with 67 kills it should be more than enough. Has anyone encountered this problem?
Did you see DeathBringer's comment?
A time out is a lose on EVERY battle in SWGOH. It's always a lose if you're active and your enemy is active and time runs out.
That's why you have the special escape button ("let's get out of here!" or whatever it's called). Escape before end of battle and it will determine your stars based on how many you killed.
Don't escape before end of battle and it's a time out like every other time out.